Human mtDNA / The TreeAbout

L_304607 / L1-6_304691 / L2-6_304690 / L2'3'4'6_304673 / L3'4'6_304672 / L3'4_304659 / L3_304985 / N_305348 / R_305354 / U_305309 / U5_305349 / U5a_306119 / U5a1_306117 / U5a1b_306400 / U5a1b1_322560 / U5a1b1f_643943 / U5a1b1f_610861

Taxon U5a1b1f_610861

Taxon Name U5a1b1f_610861
Haplogroup U5a1b1f
Parent taxon U5a1b1f_643943
Sequence 73 263 750 1438 2706 3197 4769 7028 8860 9477 9667 11467 11719 12308 12372 13617 14766 14793 15218 15326 15596 16111 16129 16189 16192 16223 16256 16270 16291 16399
Ignored 315.1C 3107d
Differences from the parent taxon 16111CT 16189TC 16223CT
Frequency 1
Reference Behar 2012
Accession No. JQ702552
Child taxa