Human mtDNA / The TreeAbout

L_304607 / L1-6_304691 / L2-6_304690 / L2'3'4'6_304673 / L3'4'6_304672 / L3'4_304659 / L3_304985 / N_305348 / R_305354 / R6_305334 / R6a_661106 / R6a1_661104 / R6a1a_661101 / R6a1a_338093

Taxon R6a1a_338093

Taxon Name R6a1a_338093
Haplogroup R6a1a
Parent taxon R6a1a_661101
Sequence 73 150 195 228 240 263 750 1438 2706 4769 6305 7028 8584 8650 8860 11075 11719 12285 14058 14766 14770A 15326 16129 16266 16318 16320 16362
Ignored 3107d 16519
Differences from the parent taxon 150CT 240AG 14770CA(ns) *)
Frequency 1
Reference Sharma 2012a
Accession No. GU480018
Child taxa