Human mtDNA / The TreeAbout

L_304607 / L1-6_304691 / L2-6_304690 / L2'3'4'6_304673 / L3'4'6_304672 / L3'4_304659 / L3_304985 / N_305348 / N1'5_305314 / N1_305317 / N1a'c'd'e'I_305356 / N1c_655407 / N1c_655406 / N1c_655408 / N1c_285959

Taxon N1c_285959

Taxon Name N1c_285959
Haplogroup N1c
Parent taxon N1c_655408
Sequence 73 189 195 207 210 263 750 1438 1719 2706 4769 7028 8222 8308 8860 8865 8943 10238 11025 11437 11719 11914 12501 12612 12705 13637 13780 14560 14766 15326 16086 16201 16223 16265
Ignored 152 309.1C 315.1C 3107d 16519
Differences from the parent taxon 8865GA(s) *)
Frequency 1
Reference Malyarchuk 2010a
Accession No. GU123019
Child taxa