Human mtDNA / The Tree | About |
L_304607 / L1-6_304691 / L2-6_304690 / L2'3'4'6_304673 / L3'4'6_304672 / L3'4_304659 / L3_304985 / M_304991 / M7_326423 / M7b-g_327804 / M7c'e'f_327839 / M7c_327833 / M7c2_327880 / M7c2b_644889 |
Taxon M7c2b_644889 |
Taxon Name | M7c2b_644889 |
Haplogroup | M7c2b |
Parent taxon | M7c2_327880 |
Sequence | 73 146 199 263 489 750 1438 2706 4071 4769 4850 5442 6455 7028 8701 8860 9540 9824 9957 10398 10400 10873 11665 11719 12091 12561 12705 13590 14766 14783 15043 15301 15326 16223 16295 |
Ignored | |
Added | |
Differences from the parent taxon | 9957TC(ns) 13590GA(s) *) |
Frequency | 0 |
Reference | |
Accession No. | |
Population | |
Child taxa | M7c2b1_875769 M7c2b2_875768 |
Remark |