Human mtDNA / The TreeAbout

L_304607 / L1-6_304691 / L2-6_304690 / L2'3'4'6_304673 / L2_304685 / L2e_599897 / L2e_599506

Taxon L2e_599506

Taxon Name L2e_599506
Haplogroup L2e
Parent taxon L2e_599897
Sequence 73 146 182 185C 263 479 719 750 769 954 1018 1211 1438 2416 2706 3531 3537 3594 4104 4562 4769 5069T 5846 6014 6872 7028 7196 7256 7521 8206 8383 8701 8860 8986 9221 9377 9540 9971 10115 10398 10646 10873 11016 11719 11935 12189 12705 13590 13650 13689C 13708 14299 14766 15301 15326 15697 15889 16111A 16145 16184 16223 16239 16278 16292 16355 16390
Ignored 157N 158N 159N 160N 161N 162N 163N 164N 165N 166N 167N 168N 169N 170N 171N 172N 173N 174N 175N 176N 177N 178N 179N 180N 181N 182N 183N 184N 310 3107d 15731N 15732N 16519
Added 182
Differences from the parent taxon 150TC(!) 185GC 479AG 3531GA(s) 5846CT(t) 6872AG(s) 7196CT(s) 8986AG(ns) 10646GA(s) 11016GA(ns) 13689AC(s) *)
Frequency 1
Reference Barbieri 2011
Accession No. JQ045049
Child taxa