Human mtDNA / The Tree | About |
L_304607 / L1-6_304691 / L2-6_304690 / L2'3'4'6_304673 / L2_304685 / L2a-d_304963 / L2b'c'd_304967 / L2b'c_304975 / L2c_304964 / L2c1_638526 / L2c1_638554 / L2c1_599435 |
Taxon L2c1_599435 |
Taxon Name | L2c1_599435 |
Haplogroup | L2c1 |
Parent taxon | L2c1_638554 |
Sequence | 16T 73 93 146 150 182 195 198 263 325 680 709 750 769 1018 1438 1442 2332 2416 2706 3200A 3594 4104 4769 7028 7256 7521 7624A 8206 8701 8860 9221 9540 10115 10398 10873 11719 11944 12236 12705 13590 13650 13928C 13958C 14766 15110 15217 15301 15326 15499 15849 16223 16278 16318 16390 16526 |
Ignored | 152 310 439N 523d 524d 3107d 4716N 5281N 10792N 15277N |
Added | |
Differences from the parent taxon | 15499CT(s) *) |
Frequency | 1 |
Reference | Barbieri 2011 |
Accession No. | JQ044989 |
Population | |
Child taxa | |
Remark |