Human mtDNA / The TreeAbout

L_304607 / L1-6_304691 / L1_304600 / L1b_304755 / L1b1_324863 / L1b1a_324867 / L1b1a_660344 / L1b1a_599693

Taxon L1b1a_599693

Taxon Name L1b1a_599693
Haplogroup L1b1a
Parent taxon L1b1a_660344
Sequence 73 182 185T 195 247 263 357 709 710 750 769 825A 1018 1738 2352 2706 2758 2768 2885 3308 3594 3666 3693 4104 4769 5036 5046 5393 5655 6548 6827 6989 7028 7055 7146 7256 7389 7521 7867 8248 8468 8655 8701 8860 9540 10045 10398 10688 10810 10873 11719 12480 12519 12705 13105 13506 13650 13789 13879 13880A 14178 14203 14560 14766 14769 15115 15326 16126 16145 16187 16189 16223 16264 16270 16278 16293 16311
Ignored 152 315.1C 523d 524d 3107d 5026N 16519
Differences from the parent taxon 10045TC(t) 12480CT(s) 13879TC(ns) *)
Frequency 1
Reference Barbieri 2011
Accession No. JQ045111
Child taxa