Human mtDNA / The TreeAbout

L_304607 / L1-6_304691 / L2-6_304690 / L2'3'4'6_304673 / L3'4'6_304672 / L3'4_304659 / L3_304985 / N_305348 / R_305354 / R_305537 / B_305381 / B4_305400 / B4c_305372 / B4c2_305611 / B4c2_81530

Taxon B4c2_81530

Taxon Name B4c2_81530
Haplogroup B4c2
Parent taxon B4c2_305611
Sequence 73 263 750 1119 1438 2706 4769 5108 5379 7028 7340 7598 8281d 8282d 8283d 8284d 8285d 8286d 8287d 8288d 8289d 8860 8958 11719 14088 14209 14766 15326 15346 16147 16184A 16189 16217 16235
Ignored 315.1C 3107d 16183C 16519
Differences from the parent taxon 5379CT(s) 7340GA(s) 7598GA(ns) 8958CT(s) *)
Frequency 1
Reference Ingman 2003
Accession No. AY289101
Population Tonga
Child taxa