Human mtDNA / The TreeAbout

L_304607 / L1-6_304691 / L2-6_304690 / L2'3'4'6_304673 / L3'4'6_304672 / L3'4_304659 / L3_304985 / N_305348 / R_305354 / R_305339 / R9_305450 / R9_305461 / R9c_601878 / R9c_660907 / R9c_615490

Taxon R9c_615490

Taxon Name R9c_615490
Haplogroup R9c
Parent taxon R9c_660907
Sequence 44.1C 73 146 150 151 263 750 1438 2706 3970 4769 5951 7028 7861 8860 10403 11002 11719 12236 12892 13928C 14766 15043 15326 15479 16051 16304 16335 16362
Ignored 309.1C 315.1C 3107d
Differences from the parent taxon 44.1dC 146TC 150CT 5951AG(s) 10403AG(s) 12236GA(t) 12892TC(s) 15043GA(s) 16051AG 16157CT(!) 16335AG 16362TC *)
Frequency 1
Reference Derenko 2012
Accession No. JN857032
Child taxa