Human mtDNA / The TreeAbout

L_304607 / L1-6_304691 / L2-6_304690 / L2'3'4'6_304673 / L3'4'6_304672 / L3'4_304659 / L3_304985 / M_304991 / M9_326535 / M9E_328421 / M9E2_328429 / M9E2a_328501 / M9E2a_770163 / M9E2a_321847

Taxon M9E2a_321847

Taxon Name M9E2a_321847
Haplogroup M9E2a
Parent taxon M9E2a_770163
Sequence 73 195 263 489 750 1438 2222 2706 3027 3705 4491 4769 7028 7598 8440 8701 8730 8860 9080 9540 10398 10400 10873 11719 12705 13626 14766 14783 15043 15178 15301 15326 16051 16093 16223 16356 16362 16390
Ignored 309d 346N 347N 348N 349N 350N 351N 352N 353N 354N 355N 356N 357N 358N 359N 360N 2503N 3107d 5754N 8497N 12418N 12535N 12536N 12537N 12538N 12539N 12540N 12541N 12542N 12543N 12544N 12545N 12546N 12547N 12548N 12549N 12550N 12551N 12552N 12553N 12554N 12555N 12556N 12557N 12558N 12559N 12560N 12561N 12562N 12563N 12564N 12565N 12566N 12567N 12568N 12569N 12570N 12571N 12572N 12573N 15043N 15178N 16189N
Added 15043 15178
Differences from the parent taxon 2222TC(r) 16356TC *)
Frequency 1
Reference Gunnarsdottir 2011
Accession No. GU733721
Child taxa