Human mtDNA / The TreeAbout

L_304607 / L1-6_304691 / L2-6_304690 / L2'3'4'6_304673 / L3'4'6_304672 / L3'4_304659 / L3_304985 / M_304991 / M8_326552 / M8C'Z_326553 / M8C_326554 / M8C4_328061 / M8C4a-c_328062 / M8C4b_328096 / M8C4b8_328193 / M8C4b8_148162

Taxon M8C4b8_148162

Taxon Name M8C4b8_148162
Haplogroup M8C4b8
Parent taxon M8C4b8_328193
Sequence 73 249d 263 489 750 1438 2232.1A 2706 3392C 3552A 3816 4715 4769 6026 7028 7196A 8584 8701 8860 9540 9545 10398 10400 10873 11254 11719 11914 11969 12705 13263 14318 14766 14783 15043 15204 15301 15326 15487T 16093 16223 16298 16317 16327
Ignored 309.1C 315.1C 3107d 16519
Differences from the parent taxon 16317AG
Frequency 1
Reference Volodko 2008
Accession No. EU482370
Child taxa